Hi everybody,

just in time for GNOME 3.0 release, I'm please to announce GNOME 3 Live Image version 1.0.0 release.
As you might expect, this release is built with GNOME 3.0.0. Other features, compared to latest image release :
- radeon KMS should be fixed (it was preventing GNOME Shell to start since version 0.3.1)
- speech-dispatcher is used for speech synthesis (ie Orca)
- tracker is installed on the image
- more fonts are installed by default
Live installer is also available from the running image, just search for "live" in GNOME-Shell overview panel (or you can still start the live install by adding liveinstall to boot command line).
As always, you can download the image from
For openSUSE 11.4 users, we will soon make a stable repository available with GNOME 3.0, watch this space for more info ;)

As a side note, I'd like to thanks my employer (
Novell) and my managers who allowed me to work on GNOME 3 for weeks fulltime.