Sunday, July 2, 2006

GUADEC, Barcelona

So, I came back from Barcelona on Saturday evening, after a two days visit of Barcelona, following GUADEC.

It was awesome, for serious stuff (presentations, talks), for fun (Fluendo and Maemo parties) and for people (I can't name everybody, but sharing GUADEC with Damien, our beloved Ekiga hacker). Photos are available here. Feel free to add comments or notes on them. I think Kathy Sierra keynote was enlightening, not only for GNOME community, but also from a distribution POV. It would be great to have the slides from this talk (I couldn't find them on guadec website :( .

My three days visit became a two days visit since I stay most of Thrusday at GUADEC for various talks but I still found enough time to do a Gaudi visit of Barcelona, including Sagrada Familia, Casa Ballto and Casa MilĂ  (Pedrera). Following my tourist guide book, I tried a great cremery called Viader to taste "mel i mato". All my Barcelona photos are visible on my Flickr Barcelona set.